Friday, March 6, 2020

Things You Must Know About Science Online Tutoring

Things You Must Know About Science Online Tutoring 0SHARESShare Science is the perfect subject for online tutoring. It is common to find students unable to cope with science lessons in class. As a consequence their homework remains undone and their grades begin to suffer. Teachers are very busy at school and cannot help students who begin to lag behind. In this situation online tutoring is the answer. Science subjects are very logical and the trouble begins when a student is unable to understand a particular chapter. This leads to a negative domino effect in understanding. Things begin to get worse day by day because of that one chapter. Once you take up science online tutoring, the first job of the tutor will be to do some detective work. The tutor will search the exact spot from where you began to fall behind in your lessons. Science online tutoring can be in any discipline from Chemistry, Physics to Astronomy and Botany. The best way to find a good tutor is through word of mouth and the internet. [starbox id=admin]

Your Personal Trainer Will Help You Stay in Shape!

Your Personal Trainer Will Help You Stay in Shape! Stay in Shape with Exercise Classes from a Fitness Instructor or Personal Trainer ChaptersSports Disciplines that Require the Guidance of a Fitness ProfessionalTypes of Physical ConditioningObjectives of a Physical Preparation SessionSelecting The Right Personal Fitness TrainerHow Physical Training WorksFitness Classes Available (And How To Copy Them At Home!)Why Opt For A Personal TrainerHave you just signed up for a marathon, a half-marathon; a triathlon or your local Iron Man competition?And right around the time you signed that dotted line, you remembered that you only go running twice per month.With that level of training, you'll never cross the finish line!Now is the time to pick up the pace. How are you going to do that? Motivation helps, of course, but you have to find your way back to that natural rhythm, the one your body functions best at.A professional fitness trainer, one who specialises in overall fitness conditioning, is what you need. A coach who will stand by you, no matter what discipline you see yourself practicing.Team sports: basketball, handb all, football, rugby and others.Extreme sports: mountain biking, Parkour, snowboarding â€" especially off-trailIf you think a coach is not needed, especially for extreme sports, you would be gravely mistaken. A coach is necessary, especially for extreme sports, for you to grasp every aspect of the sport s/he has mastered.Bear in mind to seek out an athlete who is specialised in the field you are passionate about.It is vital to choose a personal training programme specifically designed for the sport you want to participate in.A Pilates instructor may well know how to abseil, but unless s/he has undergone official certifying in the sport, s/he is not qualified to teach anyone how to rappel.Check out different fitness classes near me here.A running coach can help improve performance and endurance Source: PixabayTypes of Physical ConditioningDo you want to increase your athletic ability and improve your athletic performance?Any sport demands a firm commitment and anyone who trains assid uously stands to perform better.Here, we highlight two distinct performance categories.General Physical Preparation, otherwise known as GPPThis is considered fundamental physical training. This type of conditioning is necessary because it instills three key elements of physical fitness and health that every fitness instructor should stress throughout training.Endurance: to increase your staying power in any sport, you need to gradually increase the number of reps during your training sessions.Be reasonable! Do not take great leaps in your regimen; make incremental gains. Your fitness trainer will advise you to step up your routine when you are ready to. S/he will take into account your overall physical state, with an eye toward your goals. Increases to your workout should happen gradually.Gaining muscle mass: working your muscles â€" pectorals and deltoids, abdominals and lats, thighs and glutes, biceps and triceps.Connective tissue is conditioned through repetition, with moves such as squats, crunches and pushups. These training techniques render your body trim, fit and healthy to engage in the physical activity you wish to pursue.Strength training: not only helps you gain muscle mass but helps build you up for greater athletic performances.For this aspect of physical training, your coach will guide you through bench presses, squats with weights, resistance training and isometrics. Strength training workouts inherently build muscle as well as condition you to a higher level of personal fitness.Discover how to slim down with a fitness specialist.Specific Physical Preparation, otherwise known as SPPAt this point in your physical training, things start getting serious. Training is amplified and your coach will boost your workout sessions to competition level preparation, or champion grade sports meets.An accredited sports professional will clue you in to training methods and exercises geared toward the sport you wish to compete in.In competition, it is not unusu al to see badly trained, and even over-trained athletes.That is why it is absolutely vital for your exercise program to develop the requirements of the discipline you wish to engage in.Because your certified personal trainer works you to an exactitude, you will be drilled to the specifics of your sport.You will come to realise that not every exercise â€" and too many reps are not necessarily the best course of action in your training regimen.Professional intervention: your training coach will get you to peak performance by working your weaknesses all while exercising your strengths.Objectives of a Physical Preparation SessionNo matter your level of fitness or your chosen sport, your fitness and exercise coach has only one goal in mind: to improve your performance.After a physical assessment, you and your fitness trainer should hammer out objectives to realise, to reach your short-term and long-term goals â€" be they running a marathon or winning a tennis tournament.Your goals may ch ange the more you are exposed to exercise science, but these facets of fitness training will always remain. By working out regularly, you will enjoy:Improved performanceIncreased competitivenessGreater speed, strength and enduranceLess chance of injury.Your coach will demonstrate proper form Source: PixabayHealth and Safety Executive, it must be renewed every three years.Athletes dedicated to teaching sports, health and fitness can obtain personal trainer certification for specific disciplines, especially those that demand a high level of physical preparation, and a thorough knowledge of exercise physiology.What Competencies Should Your Trainer Possess?Obviously, your sports coach should be well-versed in every aspect of the discipline you wish to train in. His goal is to aid your progress while setting short- and longterm objectives. S/he should establish a specific nutritional and workout regimen for you to follow.Your fitness education professional should be a source of motivatio n.You have appealed to him for competition preparation or a unique aspect of physical conditioning. It is his job to motivate you physically and mentally.Mental conditioning is vital to your athletic evolution. A firm mindset will encourage long-term development of your physical being.Besides, thanks to his training, safety will be a prominent feature of your athletic development.S/he knows how to work your body without risk of injury: the proper movements, poses and number of reps you can safely do at every stage of your training.Find an online personal trainer here.Your coach should monitor your work to prevent injury Source: Pixabay Credit: Alex VanHow Physical Training WorksYour coach should take a three-pronged approach to your developing fitness for life:Primary phase: s/he should identify your strengths and weaknesses, conduct a diagnostic assessment in line with your past physical activity and the objectives you wish to attain.Planning phase: now clear on your current abilit ies and objectives, s/he will establish a plan of action tailored to you.Physical phase: your training sessions follow requisite steps.Some disciplines require intensive work of certain muscle groups while others permit a more relaxed approach and milder conditioning.At every stage, your exercise sets correspond to your physical condition. Rest assured that your coach knows your physiology and would not put you at risk of injury by overworking you.Regardless of the sport, your physical training will develop your strength, endurance, agility, coordination, and flexibility. All are necessary ingredients of any sports discipline, but they will also help improve your daily life and well-being.Your trainer maintains a duty to revise your regimen.At the start and again at the completion of every session, s/he should measure your gains. Should you develop faster than anticipated, s/he can increase workout intensity to attain your training goals sooner than expected.Conversely, if developme nt is more gradual than anticipated; s/he must downgrade your routine, in keeping with your current physical capabilities.Most likely, your coach will assign you work to do between  sessions.Bear in mind that your personal fitness trainer has developed a bespoke regimen, which may include your taking the stairs instead of the lift to get to your office. S/he may prescribe walking to your local grocer's rather than driving your car.Quite possibly, you may be assigned a few dozen sit-ups and lunges, to be done after breakfast.Your fitness instructor only wants for you the best physical shape you can have - a toned and healthy body. Observe and follow all of his instructions and you will come out ahead.After that, all you have to do is reach for the brass ring!Next: work your way to a new, ripped abdomen!Fitness Classes Available (And How To Copy Them At Home!)So while a fitness trainer is ideal whilst you train for a sporting event, there are a few other physical activities you can do alongside their coaching to raise your heart rate, either at the gym, a local class or at home.Fitness classes are all the rage right now.If you fancy trying out a few fitness classes to improve your physical conditioning in a sociable environment, then here are a few popular trends that are worth considering. Group classes bring their own benefits, such as challenging you to keep up with others and being able to socialise with a group of like-minded individuals.Zumba: Zumba is a high cardio, dance-based workout that combines Latin and hip-hop steps with martial arts and resistance training by formulating fast and fun choreography. A typical class lasts 40-60 minutes and can help you to tone muscles, burn calories and relieve stress because of its uplifting properties. The dance moves are often not hard, nor are the sequences hard to remember so people can join at any time. It's appropriate for all ages and fitness levels too. Zumba at home: You can get your Zumba on at home by wat ching a Zumba fitness video on the Internet or on a relevant TV channel as well as by quite simply dancing to an upbeat record. If you want to do Zumba both at home and in a class then why not practice in between by downloading the tracks you dance to with your coach?Barre: Barre is a ballet-inspired class that uses repetitions of small, precise ballet movements to help you to tone muscle, build strength and control, and improve your overall posture (just as you would in a ballet class but on a smaller scale). Not all classes are slow, however. Some sessions are quicker and make you feel the burn much more, especially in your arms, abs, bottom, and thighs! Barre at home: It's not always easy to practice ballet at home unless you have a suitable handrail but you can get portable barres if you are serious about keeping fit in this way. Then, you can purchase DVDs, watch videos on YouTube and download audio podcasts to guide you through your workout routine.Bikram Yoga (Hot Yoga): Bikr am yoga is every bit as strengthening as your usual yoga class, yet it's even more challenging because you are positioning yourself in all those yoga poses in a room measuring more 105 degrees to make you more flexible. Whilst other fitness classes focus more on a cardio workout, Bikram Yoga is concerned with breathing techniques and the flow of oxygen through your body. The fitness craze includes 26 hatha yoga postures and two pranayama exercises. Bikram yoga at home: Doing yoga from home is easy enough if you have a yoga mat and the right video tutorials, but getting the heat element of Bikram Yoga isn't as straightforward. Some fans have been known to take their yoga mat to the bathroom and switch the shower on for a little while to get the temperature and humidity rising without wasting money on gas bills!Pilates: Similar to yoga, Pilates is a conditioning workout that is designed to sculpt the body by toning muscles. All you really need is a mat and a positive attitude so doing Pilates at home is relatively easy. Having a trainer, or at least following a lesson online can be beneficial as the instructors are there to help you connect your mind and body with the series of movements, which focus greatly on aligning the spine and improving the overall posture. Pilates at home: Pilates is a great workout to do at home because you can work at your own pace and it requires little space or equipment.Boot Camp: This intense fitness class involves a bit of everything: cardio, strength training, and agility.   The military-inspired workouts are put together to help you burn more calories by varying the pace, exercise styles and movements. Doing short bursts of circuit-style workouts with little or no rest in between is the perfect way to work up a sweat and has a positive effect on the body in terms of strengthening and weight loss. Boot camp at home: You can do boot camp-style workouts at home if you want to. Why not build your own circuit training area out in you r garden from moves you already know, or by moving yourself from one room to another in your house for each different fitness type, if you have space?Spinning: Spinning is a form of indoor cycling where you perform intense and high-cardio workouts on a stationary bike.   With the tough, unforgiving sequences, you work on strength and endurance, usually in a group guided by an enthusiastic teacher. Don't expect to be sitting on your saddle for the full 30-40 minutes - you'll have your glutes up in the air and working hard throughout the session! Spinning at home:   Spinning bikes aren't the same as your usual workout bicycle, but you can definitely apply some of the lessons you've learnt in a spinning class when cycling in your home gym. You can, if you are really dedicated, buy an official spinning cycle for at-home use.Boxing: Everyone nows what boxing is but do you know why it's so popular as a sport nowadays? Increasingly popular among women (as well as Box Fit), this exercise is empowering and allows you to exert lots of force and therefore stress, through punching as well as hopping and jumping to maximise calorie burn, weight loss and increase lean muscle mass. Boxing at home: As long as you've got the gear, you can buy some light dumbells or a pop-up punch bag to practice your endurance at home. Make sure you put these in a safe place away from anything valuable that might break should you miss!Bounce: Bounce is probably the newest fitness craze to enter the scene and involves performing exercises on mini trampolines in order to enhance the workout. Normally a group exercise class performed to loud and upbeat music, this fun all over body training combines simple movements whilst bouncing up, down and around and therefore raising your heart rate. According to the website, 10 minutes spent at Bounce is the equivalent of a 30 minute run. Bounce at home: If you happen to have a trampoline outside in your garden or you don't mind investing in the small roun d ones used during the class then you can have a fun time jumping (or exercising) at home as well!Why Opt For A Personal TrainerWhile there are many advantages to joining a gym in your city or starting out at a class like the above: the flexibility to go whenever you have a spare moment, the variety of equipment you can use, the diverse schedule of classes being held in the studios and so on, there are some things that only a personal trainer Edinburgh can bring to the table.First of all, the nature of personal training is educational. Exercise regimes and nutrition plans are led by the professional's expert knowledge in the science of the body and catered to what result you wish to achieve, whether that is weight loss, muscle tone, training for a particular sporting event or other goals.Secondly, a personal trainer is there to be focused solely on you, so rather than that feeling of being in a class and not knowing if you are doing to positions or moves correctly, your personal ins tructor will be on hand to analyse your workouts and ensure that you are getting the most from them. They will evaluate your unique situation and why you have chosen to take this approach to your health and fitness and working out what is the best way for you to proceed. Helping you form good habits, they also help you to make your mind fitter as well as your body.What's more, isn't it better to be involved in a personal training programme which you feel obliged to keep at rather than telling yourself you'll go to the gym three times a week and then letting yourself down each time you are feeling lazy or seem too busy to fit it in?Knowing that someone is relying on you to keep up the hard work other than yourself (yet still holding you accountable if you begin to lag behind) can be a huge motivator!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Six Life Lessons Teens Can Learn from High School

Six Life Lessons Teens Can Learn from High School High school is a period of tremendous growth for teens. They build upon the foundation of middle school and move toward college and adulthood, gaining academic and non-academic aptitudes that help them be successful and independent. There are plenty of academic-focused skills teens will acquire and strengthen throughout high schooltime management, prioritization and effective study skills, to name a fewbut here are six life lessons that teens will hopefully learn during their time as high school students: Hard work is always worth it. Whether your teen wants to make the tennis team or earn all As, he or she will have to work hard. The dedication required to achieve a goal is incredibly valuable in and of itself. Good things come to those who put in the effort, and there is growth in the journey. A growth mindset is the best kind of mindset. In high school, teachers insist that students think critically when attempts to solve problems arent successful. They want them to keep trying new ideas, and they encourage taking risks and making mistakes so students can learn. Your teen will find that high school offers an opportunity to cultivate a growth mindset. Theres so much to learn in life. If your teen embraces this belief, he or she is going to gain a lot from high school and college. Character matters. High school is a time when children mature into young adultsand its important for them to decide who they want to be. Students with good character are dependable, ethical and own their mistakes. Character will help your teen build relationships, achieve his or her goals, lead others and live a meaningful life. It pays to get along with people. High schools are usually larger than middle schools, bringing together a wide variety of personality types. Couple this with an environment that pushes more autonomy and it becomes very apparent how essential it is that teens learn to work effectively with others. The ability to listen to and respect others opinions will serve your teen well in high school (and far beyond). Things change. Adaptability is one of the keys to happiness. In high school, friendships change, your teens passions and interests change, and circumstances change. This can be difficult to handle, but your teen will be better off if he or she learns to accept this fact and be flexible throughout life. Your teen is in charge. One of the most important takeaways from high school is that life is what we make it. Teach your teen to take control of his or her future and learn from successes and failures equally. What happens to each of us isnt all about luckits about effort, planning and a good attitude. As your teen navigates high schools ups and downs, be there for support. Remember that this period of life, while exciting and fun, can also be scary, overwhelming and tumultuous. Your teen, like all teens, will experience highs and lows and a range of emotions. Assure your teen that he or she isnt in it alone and that with the right outlook, there is a great deal to be learned during the four years of high school.

Self-Publish or Perish

Self-Publish or Perish Ouch! No college teacher is going to die because they dont self-publish. What an overstatement! Luckily, the pressure in academia to publish research does not extend to college ESL teachers like me, so why use such a provocative title? Because self-publishing keeps you engaged in the best parts of teaching. Also, teachers who are not fully engaged in teaching ESL might not last in the job. With the teacher shortage we are facing in Quebec, we want teachers to persist. We also want teachers to excel, and self-publishing could be the way to help make that happen. Of course, all teachers adapt materials, create activities, and design evaluations. We are all involved in materials development to some extent. Slapping a cover (or a URL) on your best ideas and getting them out into the world for other teachers to useand give you feedback onis the next logical step. Self-publishing in ESL Self-publishing keeps you engaged in your job. gets you thinking about the precise needs of the students in front of you that the big publishing houses you something to talk with your colleagues about other than administrative rules and office gossip.helps you articulate your pedagogical ideas more clearly.makes you more self-conscious about the quality of your lessons and activities.invites constructive criticism from teachers who try your lessons and activities. Why talk about this now? I have been developing ESL textbook materials for publication since 2004, I have been working on this grammar checker website since 2012, and trying to express my ideas in this blog more recently. My friend Frank Bonkowski has been at it for many more years. While discussing the positive effects of self-publishing as a form of professional development to supercharge ESL lessons, Frank suggested we do a conference talk on the topic. After all, in the past 2 years I have won 3 awards, and Frank has been called upon to give teacher training to American in-service teachers at a distance. We seem to have acquired some expertise in our field over the years. So, we sent off proposals for two related talks at two up-coming conferences. Two conference talks in the works Both proposals were accepted! Thats right. We will be presenting some practical advice at the RASCALS Colloquium in Rimouski in June to ESL teachers teaching at colleges across Quebec. Two months later in August, we will be sharing our ideas on the topic again at LangFest 2019 with an audience of polyglots, translators, and second language teachers (not just English) teaching in a variety of contexts. In the lead up to LangFest 2019, we agreed to an interview to introduce ourselves to conference goers. An interview Frank and I have just finished that video call with Tetsu Yung and Nicolas (last name unknown), two of the organizers of LangFast 2019. The goal of the interview was to help conference goers get to know us before our talk in August. Who are we, you ask? Frank Bonkowski is a College ESL teacher at CEGEP de St Laurent, teacher-trainer, and materials developer. You know who I am. We are thrilled to have been invited to speak on a topic that is so important in ESL: self-publishing. Self-publishing means creating and distributing your own materials, on paper, online or a blend of textbooks and companion websites. For Frank it is a labour or love. For me, it is the only way I can bear to teach ESL year after year. I need the stimulation, innovation, and inspiration self-publishing provides me. Without it, I would have given up on ESL teaching years ago in frustration. Tetsu Yung: Hello everybody. Its Friday again. We have today Frank how do I pronounce your name? Bong-koff-ski? Is this correct? And then we have Nicholas Walker. These are English teachers I dont I dont remember if we have had English teachers before but specialists in teaching English which is a very important topic at Langfest, so welcome to YouTube. Thank you for taking the time to come on our show. Thank you. Frank Bonkowski: Its a pleasure to be with you and thank you for having us giving us this opportunity. Nicholas Walker: Yeah, thanks for having us. Were excited to participate in your conference and were thrilled to be able to talk about our topic which I think is so important to our field. Tetsu Yung: Thats fantastic. So to remind everybody this is our second of our series to introduce our speakers at LangFest 2019 so we have begun to I guess let the cat out by starting to introduce our speakers. We havent had a chance to compile everything and put putting them on the on our website but we are slowly rolling out everything as the on a rolling basis as we go. We are translating a lot of the text that we get in the biographies and in the descriptions. So, thats coming up. I remind everybody that we do have a LangFest app so we will we will fill that up I guess to populate it with all the information, and itll be ready for everybody in in a few weeks I think, within 2 or 3 weeks. I think we should be able to roll it out at least our first draft and I also want to do one announcement before we get into the interview once again to remind everybody that this year for the first time we will be holding LangFest at university de Montreal a new venue for us. We have been very fortunate to have Concordia University host us for the past three years and it was, its been fantastic we want to thank Concordia again. But this year we thought you know little change of scenery for the folks who come to visit us year after year and also for us to have a new experience, so we have I actually went to visit the University of Montreal yesterday to look at the venue and its going to be fantastic So without further ado lets get into todays interview. Do you have anything to say Nicolas before Nicolas: No, I think youve covered pretty much covered everything. Im just just trying to think is this the first time that we have another Nicolas apart from me giving you target Tetsu Yung: I think so. I mean 50 percent of the screen right now is Nicola so its good Nicholas Walker: We have you surrounded! Tetsu Yung: So, Nicholas why dont we start with you with you and get to know your your involvement in the language world what do you do you know what occupies your time. More to come Please follow and like us:

7 Ways to conquer Math

7 Ways to conquer Math 1. Write neatlyAs silly as this sounds, writing legibly is very important when doing your math homework. I don't know how many times I've had to kick myself because I got a problem wrong just because I accidentally thought one of my 4's was a 9, or one of my 3's was an 8. Remember, in math one silly mistake at the beginning of a problem can mess the whole thing up. Make sure you are not rushing through it.2. Take your homework seriouslyIn my opinion, the most important subject to do your homework in is math. In other subjects, homework might seem like busywork. However, in math, homework is the best way to learn the material. Math teachers give homework because the best way to learn math is actually doing the problems. So if you're getting homework answers from another classmate, or not doing your homework at all, then it is likely you will not know what you are doing come test time. Stay on top of your homework, and try your best not to procrastinate.3. Double check everythingThe gr eat thing about math is that you can usually check to see if you get the answer right before someone with the answer key tells you that you got it right. For example, if you were to solve the problem x2-9 = 0, you would find that x = 3 x = -3. Instead of quickly going to the next problem, you can plug 3 -3 back into the original equation and find that the solution would be 0. Now you're certain that you got that problem correct. Also, most textbooks have answers in the back of the book. So, when you're doing your homework, check those answers every once in a while to make sure you are on the right track.4. Do extra practiceA lot of times just doing the homework isn't enough to know the material in and out. If you are only assigned one problem per section, it may behoove you to do some extra problems to get a better understanding of the subject. A great way to study for your test is to redo previous homework problems, or better yet do other problems in that section so that you will be ready for everything on the test.5. Search for outside helpOnce you get into upper level math courses you come to a point where you realize you can't do it all by yourself. Even if you can't get your teacher or a tutor to help you, there are still lots of ways you can find help. There are numerous videos on YouTube that will walk you step-by-step on how to do various kinds of problems. There are also great educational sites such as Khan Academy that offer great tips and videos on all kinds of subjects, not just math. It is easier now more than ever to find help, so make sure you take advantage of it.6. Remember the formulasA lot of math problems involve plugging numbers into formulas before calculating, so it is important to know what the formulas are, and when to use what formula when studying for a test. If you are fortunate enough to get to use a cheat sheet, make sure you devote a good chunk of it to writing down all the formulas you will need for the test. Otherwise, make s ure you emphasize memorizing the formulas in your studies.7. Block out enough time for quick breaksEven for the smartest kids in the class, math can be stressful. It is important that you are not waiting until the last minute to do all your homework and study for the test. Make sure you are staying on top of things and not procrastinating. This way you have time to do a couple problems, take a quick break to get a snack or something to give your brain a rest, do some more problems, and then call it a night. If you find yourself doing math problems for five hours straight the night before the test, you are going to regret it.

Quiz Whats the best place to teach English abroad with a TEFL certification in 2020 [+ job postings]

Quiz Whats the best place to teach English abroad with a TEFL certification in 2020 [+ job postings] So you’ve decided you want to pack up your life and find the perfect job teaching abroad, but there’s only one problem: you don’t know where you want to go! With so many options before you, it's no wonder this decision takes lots of contemplating. That’s why we’ve whipped up a short quiz to help make that life-changing decision a little bit easier for you. No matter where you are with your decision, this quiz will help match you up with the best places to teach abroad in 2020. It kind of works like a relationship matchmaker by finding your perfect match based on things like your personality, values and goals, except there are no awkward dates involved (thank goodness). Now go find your perfect match and when you’re done, scroll down below for a list of current job postings by region, so you can get started on your teaching abroad adventure! Where should you teach abroad this year? Take our quick, 10-question quiz and discover your ideal teaching destination in 2020! Don’t forget to head on over to the Teach Away job board. There are hundreds of great teaching job openings right now, across all levels, subjects and experience levels, at top schools and programs all around the world. If you're not already TEFL certified, there's still time to get your certification so you can qualify for your dream teaching job overseas. Ready to see what's out there? Here's a quick teaser of featured jobs available to help jump-start your 2020 teach abroad job search: Teach in Asia in 2020 English teaching jobs in China for certified teachers, ESL instructors and new grads: Disney English English First Explore Program English teaching jobs in Japan for certified teachers, ESL instructors and new grads: GABA Corporation Nova Benesse BE Studio Inc. English teaching jobs in Thailand for ESL instructors and new grads: Mediakids Academy Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. Teach in the Middle East in 2020 Teaching jobs in the UAE for certified teachers and English teachers: UAE Government Schools (accepts new grads with a relevant degree) Emirates National Schools Teach English online in 2020 Online English teaching jobs for certified teachers, ESL instructors and new grads: Gogokid DaDa VIPKID Teach all around the world in 2020 Make 2020 the yearthe world becomes yourclassroom. With so many great teaching jobs available, there is no reason you can't start your adventure today. Still not TEFL certified? No worries! You can easily finish your TEFL certification online with one of our university-backed TEFL programs, so you can qualify for all your dream teaching jobs abroad. Our online job fairs are the perfect first step towards finding a great-paying teaching job you’ll love. Interested? Spots are limited so get that application in.Apply to attend an online job fair!

The value of studying Philosophy - Tutor Hunt Blog

The value of studying Philosophy The value of studying Philosophy The value of studying PhilosophySubjectsSome commentators have judged a degree in philosophy to be `the most useless degree one can study for.` The number of students choosing to take this once vaunted and highly valued subject has been steadily dropping for decades in the UK. But how is it thats this nobel discipline, which was the progenitor of all the sciences, has come to be viewed as an `artsy hippie-esk` subject, whose certificates some say are not worth the paper they are printed on? Philosophy was indeed the precursor to the separate sciences: physics, chemistry and biology. Indeed, during the middle ages, any intellectual pursuit that we now would deem to be adhering to the `academic method` was called Natural Philosophy.` The term `scientist` did not come into existence until the mid nineteenth century. The great scientist Sir Isaac Newton titled his magnum opus (published in 1687) `Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.` As the three separated sciences became codified and classified as distinct subjects, philosophy itself concerned itself with a broader and more conceptual set of concerns. Epistemology, metaphysics and logic are just some of the branches of the subject. Ludwig Wittgenstein, perhaps the greatest philosopher of the 20th century stated that `Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of our language.` On the continent the subject of philosophy is held in much higher regard. In France it is a compulsory subject for students in the `terminale` or last year of high school. For those studying the humanities their schedule will include up to eight hours a week of philosophy classes. In Germany the subject is hugely popular, with the University of Albert Ludwig in Freiburg and the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, being so oversubscribed that they had to impose limits on the number of students attempting to enrol. The continent also enjoys an intellectual climate that seems to be absent here. Professional philosophers are celebrated as venerable celebrities, and regularly publish their opinions on a broad range of matters, from the political, to the social economical, and aesthetic. Somehow he very notion of a public intellectual seems somehow to have negative and disparaging connotations in the UK - we will take `sage advice` from celebrities and business leaders, but not from academics. In France the philosopher John Paul Sartre was outspoken on numerous political matters, and regularly engaged with the population in non academic maters. His opinions, along with his contemporary Michel Foucault ; were held in his esteem by the public, and they were regarded as intellectuals and spokesman for the masses. America has the great Noam Chomsky (even though much of the american media ignores him, or deigns to excoriates his `dissident` views); and Slavoj i ek, the Slovenian philosopher, whose books include Living in End times and Disparities, enjoys huge readership. It seems we don`t have the same convivial relationship with our intellectuals here in the UK. Though we have our Stephen Hawking and our Brian cox, and not forgetting out much loved David Attenborough - these individuals, brilliant and engaging as they are, tend to focus their intellectual abilities within their own academic domain. Actually at the time of writing this article Stephen Hawking is challenging Jeremy Hunt over matters regarding the finding of the NHS - but this is a rare foray by a well known scientist into the world of politics. Philosophy is perhaps the only subject outside of religion that allows students make inquiries into the really fundamental topics of life, such as the nature of time, theres of mind and language, consciousness and memory. The term philosophy itself means `love of wisdom` - and perhaps learning for the sake of knowledge itself is becoming ever more rare. The only time I can recall hearing someone referred to as a `scholar` was in reference to theology - someone with a sound knowledge of the Bible or the Quran. Of course if you study philosophy you are unlikely to find employment as a professional philosopher - but the same could be said of someone studying the classics, or the history of art, that they are unlikely to find a position that specifically relates to these subjects. Like those who study the humanities, students of philosophy will become culturally enriched. They will learn to reason and argue with logical clarity - for they will study logic and reason itself. They will stu dy epistemology, ethics, aesthetics - and they will be enriched in numerous ways, both personally and intellectually. 2 years ago0Add a Comment